LovelyShop - Tema de WooCommerce para WordPress

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shoppingBag Ventas: 11


Creado: 20 ago 2021

Actualizado: 24 may 2024

identificación: 195383

og体育首页ONE - Descargas ilimitadas por $12.40USD/mes

410k artículos | Uso comercial License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Apoyo Suscribirse y descargarlo  GRATIS

LovelyShop: el tema de comercio electrónico de WordPress está diseñado para vender moda masculina, moda femenina, ropa, moda, accesorios, productos digitales, niños, relojes, joyas, zapatos, niños, muebles, deportes, etc. El tema LovelyShop se crea con el complemento Elementor Page Builder más popular. Puede crear un hermoso sitio web utilizando el complemento Elementor sin ningún conocimiento de codificación. Tiene un 100% de capacidad de respuesta y se adapta perfectamente a todo tipo de dispositivos, como computadoras de escritorio, portátiles, tabletas y móviles. En este Paquete Incluido Muy Bien Documentación.

Características de Lovelyshop

  • Generador de páginas de arrastrar y soltar
  • Diseño limpio y profesional
  • Creador de páginas de Elementor
  • Control deslizante de inicio
  • Mega menú compatible
  • Desarrollado con WooCommerce
  • Compatible con varios navegadores
  • Totalmente receptivo
  • Marcado compatible con SEO
  • código limpio
  • Formulario de contacto 7
  • Bien documentada
  • Apoyo
  • Y mucho más ----

Lista de cambios

May 14, 2024

  • Updated Theme Core Plugin Codes
  • Updated TGM Plugin
  • Updated Theme Codes
  • Updated Demo Data

July 24, 2023

  • Updated Theme Codes
  • Updated Theme Core Plugin Code
  • Fixed WooCommerce Files
  • Fixed security Issued

2 Reseñas de este producto

I am delighted with this author because the templates are very nice and he always helps you if you have any problems
Thank You
First the good things - this template is nice looking. It was an inexpensive choice, at $23 (although with a $2 fee for purchases over $10 (okay?) that was actually $25) so it made sense for my small business starting out. It's already bundled with a whole lot of plug-ins so you don't have to chase down a bunch of stuff on your own, it's all included in the zip. It's faaairly easy to upload it to your site if you have a basic understanding of WordPress. There's an included file you can click on with detailed screenshots walking you through the process of step-by-step installation of the theme, because the actual installation is a bit tricky. Onto the not-so-good. The theme itself is a little clunky. There's a widget portion in the mega-menu where you need to copy/paste a portion of code, that part just doesn't work, it returns an error. It's possible that it's outdated; I'm not really sure. I'm still moving toward finishing getting the site set up so I'm not sure if that's a crucial part of the menu. The instructions on getting your site/products set up beyond the dummy content is not really there; you're pretty much on your own. I don't mean How does WooCommerce work? I mean How does this weird theme work with all these options in the dashboard and WTF do I do with all of them? These folks are in the business of selling themes and getting paid to install them, so it's not super surprising that they make it a little complicated for people to figure out on their own. I get that and I don't mind spending extra time trying to tinker with it since I cheaped out on not paying for installation. ***The only real complaint I have is that there are no customization options for colors. As many other little things as they included, it seems like a no-brainer to include an option in there to change the colors for the buttons/header/footer/etc to match your brand. That seems like the most basic thing every business owner would want. I'll figure it out, but...yeah.*** Edit: I felt like a real idiot literally MOMENTS after posting my review and finding where in the theme to go in and change colors. There's not quite as much customization as I would like but you can definitely change the header/button colors to fit your brand, so ignore that. My issue now is that the theme appears to be outdated for the current version of WooCommerce so I'm hoping to get that fixed up. I'm optimistic that I can get some help with that!
If you facing any problem you can create a ticket we will help you :) Thanks

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Customer Support

4,4 /5
Support rating (10 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 8 4 0 3 1 2 0 1 1
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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