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How to check jQuery version using Firebug console

George Jones March 11, 2016
Rating: 4.6/5. From 5 votes.
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This video tutorial will show how to check jQuery version using Firebug console.

How to check jQuery version using Firebug console
  1. Open any site on the web, note that you should have Firebug installed in your Firefox browser.

  2. Right mouse click, then select Inspect Element with Firebug, open Console tab.

  3. Type one of the next lines and you will obtain jQuery version:




    then press Enter button:

    How to know jQuery version using Firebug console -1
  4. This way you can check version of jQuery for any site on the web.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

How to check jQuery version using Firebug console
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