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JS Animated. How to edit single HTML file template

Ray Taylor February 9, 2012
Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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In this tutorial we will learn how to modify a single page html template

Open ‘Index.html‘ file from “site” folder in Adobe Dreamwever

The best way to modify such templates in Dreamwever, by using a ‘Code View’

We can easily locate the text for menu items

In the ‘Content’ section, we will find all the pages content

Please check the page ID title, as it will indicate what page exactly it is.

As for the images, we may simply replace them in the ‘images’ folder

NOTE: gallery images, are usually placed into the ‘gallery’ folder.

Following the same process, you may find and edit ‘read more’ pages content and ‘privacy policy’ content.

Save ‘index.html’ file when you are done. Open it in the browser to see the changes/preview.

JS Animated. How to edit single HTML file template
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