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JS Animated. How to remove animated load effect for needed elements

Celine Jade September 30, 2015
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This tutorial is going to show you how to remove animated load effect for needed elements in Website Templates.

JS Animated. How to remove animated load effect for needed elements

What is meant by load effect? While scrolling down the elements are loaded when needed. Images and texts appear using fadeInRight effect in the template we are testing now.

The only action you need to perform is to remove a predefined class from the element. This can be fadeInUp, fadeInRight, fadeInLeft, etc. Let us do it step by step:

First, search for the element (let it be, Fire protection systems training) in order to find out its class by using Firebug tool that can be enabled with the right click on the screen and selecting Inspect Element from the drop down menu:

how to remove animated load effect for needed elements.1

Then log into your cPanel, look for File Manager, where the site content is stored. Open the main index.html file to edit and look for this particular line:

Fire protection
systems training
how to remove animated load effect for needed elements.2

Remove the class name (in our case it is wow fadeInRight) for the title of container, that will disable animated load effect.

Save changes and refresh your website:

how to remove animated load effect for needed elements.3

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

JS Animated. How to remove animated load effect for needed elements
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