
Looped Slider Team November 15, 2010
Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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This is a Slider Script that could be used both for creating sliders and galleries. It is one of the most flexible slider scripts.

In order to make the script work, the index-#.html file with a slider should contain these lines of HTML code in order to include loopedslider.js script and jQuery framework:

The section of the index-#.html file contains these lines of code that initialize the script functionality with basic values:

This script is initialized with a

element with #loopedSlider id.

Below you can see the HTML script representation:

 The whole slider is placed to a

tag with #loopedSlider id. Then there two container
tags: main container (.container class) and pagination container (.pagination-container class). A
tag with .slides class is placed into the main container and contains slider (or gallery) elements. So in order to add an extra slide (or gallery image) you will need to add the following coding structure:

Bulleted list (

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