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WordPress Troubleshooter. Missing visual editor

Celine Jade June 15, 2015
Rating: 4.0/5. From 3 votes.
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This tutorial is going to show how to deal with missing Visual editor issue in WordPress. It has been a common problem with the release of WordPress version 3.5.

WordPress Troubleshooter. Missing visual editor

  1. Log onto your server and go to the root directory. Look for the wp-config.php file and open it up for editing:

    Missing visual editor.1

  2. Before you make any changes, be sure to carefully copy the code and paste it into a Notepad file, as a backup copy in case you mess something up.

  3. Write the line of code define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); at the bottom of the file, just above where it indicates to “stop editing,” which you will probably see between a set of /* …….. */ marks, which are programming comments. Don’t forget to include the little semi-colon!

    		define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);

    Here is how you should proceed:

    Missing visual editor.2

  4. Save and close your file, then log back into your Dashboard to check if the visual editor shows up.

If you can’t see the Visual Editor in specific browser or computer, the problem is related to your browser.

This is most likely due to a browser cache. Refresh the page with the following hotkey combinations:

  • Windows: CTRL + F5
  • Mac/Apple: Apple+R or command + R
  • Linux: F5

Make sure to let the page load completely before starting editing.

Please visit Browser Issues page for more troubleshooting hints.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WordPress Troubleshooter. Missing visual editor

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